We take pride in our work and try to help customers with their needs for car parts & accessories. All our parts are quality tested from the factory and we support our customers in case they are not happy with the quality of the product. "Item arrived quickly, no issues, will trade again for sure".
Most goods are processed within 24 hours for dispatch. Please note that on some of our listings there is a 7-10 day wait due to having to get some parts in from another warehouse. While most of our goods are dispatched within 24 hours, there are some listings which do require you to wait. We use compatibility information from the factory, it is not 100% accurate all the time. We will be not responsible for any cost of fitting for replacement due to In compatibly.Please return your item(s) in original packaging and ensure that all packages are securely wrapped exactly as received. If we do get your item back damaged when an item is no longer required, you are liable to claim from the courier you used to send the goods with. Customers should satisfy themselves that any item choice made is suitable for their intended purpose or use.
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